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Did Banksy's website have a security weakness?

Artist Banksy's team was warned his website had a security weakness seven days before a hacker scammed a fan out of $336,000 (£242,000). On Tuesday a piece of art was advertised on Banksy's official website as the world-renowned graffiti artist's first NFT (non-fungible token).

Is Banksy's NFT a fake?

On Tuesday a piece of art was advertised on Banksy's official website as the world-renowned graffiti artist's first NFT (non-fungible token). A British collector won the auction to buy it, before realising it was a fake. A cyber-security expert warned Banksy that the website could be hacked, but was ignored.

What are the top 10 business-logic flaws that hackers are looking for?

Hackers are always hunting to find business-logic flaws, especially on the Web, in order to exploit weaknesses in online ordering and other processes. NT OBJECTives, which validates Web application security, says these are the top 10 business-logic flaws they see all the time. 1. Authentication flags and privilege escalation

Why are websites so vulnerable to cyberattacks?

Fraudsters use website vulnerabilities to steal sensitive credentials and financial info. The feds take them over to track down child porn consumers. Hacktivists take them down to fight controversial bathroom bills. And a lot more. Websites continue to account for the majority of cyberattacks and tens of thousands are targeted every day.

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